The ordinary parking system which is exist nowadays using system that the parking officer directly entering vehicle number into the database. Parking gate opened manually after the official synchronize the parking ticket.
In this smart parking system, the whole system is being done by computer. Starting from registering the vehicle number, deciding the parking position, length of parking time and the out vehicle validation which is being done by computer.
The working flow starting when the car enters parking area from entrance gate. Using computer integrated camera and the system will take photograph of the car number. The Digital Pitcure file will be translated into character which is recognized by the system as a whole number sentences.
After number of the vehicle recognized, the system will check the available parking area to be filled by measure the width of previous car. If there is available parking area, system will print parking card which is included by barcode and the vehicle number.
When the car out from parking area, again the system will do the data checking. The car number will be photographed again and being transferred into recognized computer character. The driver will shown the barcode to the system and being verified with the previous car number which stored in the first time. If the synchronization successfully conducted, mean while the number is match, so the car allowed to pass the exit gate.
The Smart Parking System is one of the Innovation that being made by Puguh Hasta Gunawan (06.11.1311). STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta Student. This Innovation has been pass the first qualification of Indonesia ICT Awards 2009. masuk-chend