By M Suyanto
In the early 1970s, Jack Trout and All Ries put forward a positioning concept as the basis of a marketing strategy, and since then, the concept has become a popular basis for the development of a creative strategy. The general purpose of a positioning strategy is to make consumers have better images in their minds of products. The proper brand images that form in consumers’ minds from what they see, hear, smell, and feel can become the dominant factors that strongly influence them to make up their mind of doing something with the products. Normally such a concept is oriented towards market leaders.
The company’s advantage of competing is that of communicating, so the problem of competing are that of communicating. As a matter of fact, a positioning strategy is a communication one. Advertising is a form of the communication which, according to the recipient’s point of view, was built in a low award. If you succeed in advertising, you may be successful in a business, a religion, politics, or the other activities that require mass communication. Positioning, the simple concept that makes people face difficulties in understanding strengths, is a concept to change the authenticity of the ad. Positioning starts with products, goods, services, companies, or people, but it is not something you do towards products; however, it is something you do to prospective consumers’ minds, namely placing brand images on their minds, and it is not a matter of the product positioning that physically has something to do with products, and it is also wrong when positioning does not involve any changes, particularly on names, prices, and packaging rather than on the overall products. Basically, there are changes in the appearances that may be conducted with the aim of ensuring more valuable positions in the minds of prospective consumers.
Positioning also constitutes the first thought designed to cope with a hearing problem in our society flooded with information. The only defense owned by a person in a society is a very simple idea. So, the best approach to be taken of someone in a society is a simple message. Like in minimalist architecture, in communication the less but the more accurate a thing is; the better. You have to sharpen the message to put in the mind of each consumer, as Jack Trout and Al Ries proposed that positioning is not done on products, but it is done against consumers’ minds; for example, “The Company for Women” is from Avon, “The Science of You” from the Pond’s Institute, “Passion for Beauty” from L’Oreal, “The Miracle of Science” from DuPont, “Life made smoother” from Teflon, “Get the feeling” from Toyota, “For Life” from Volvo, “Connecting People” from Nokia, “Good Food Good Life” from Nestle, “Being outstanding in Achievement” from Primagama, and “The College Where People Wear Ties” from STMIK AMIKOM.