Yogyakarta is a city and the capital of Yogyakarta, the only one of the Indonesian, special-territory provinces in Java, Indonesia.The city of Yogyakarta became the capital of the Indonesian Republic from 1946 to 1948, after the fall of Jakarta to the Dutch. Later the Dutch also invaded Yogyakarta, causing the Republic’s capital to be transferred once again, to Bukittinggi in West Sumatra on 19 December 1948. Because of its significant contribution to the survival of the Indonesian Republic, Yogyakarta was given the status of Special Administrative Region, making Yogyakarta the only region headed by a monarchy in Indonesia. The principal residence of the sultan is the kraton (palace), sometimes called the Yogyakarta Kraton but otherwise known in formal terms Kraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat.
Yogyakarta is renowned as a center of education, classical Javanese fine art and culture such as batik, ballet, drama, music, poetry, and puppet shows. Yogyakarta was the Indonesian capital during the Indonesian National Revolution from 1945 to 1949, with Gedung Agung as the president’s office. One of the districts in Yogyakarta, Kotagede, was the capital of the Mataram Sultanate between 1575 and 1640. The city is named after the Indian city of Ayodhya from the Ramayana epic. Yogya means “suitable, fit, proper”, and karta, “prosperous, flourishing” (Pospelov, 1998).

A symbol or emblem of the city of Yogyakarta is Yogyakarta Monument (Tugu Yogyakarta). This monument was built by Hamengkubuwana I, founder of the palace of Yogyakarta. Monument, located at the intersection of Jalan Sudirman and Jalan Margo Utomo, has a symbolic value and a magical line that connects the southern sea, the palace of Yogyakarta and Mount Merapi. At the time of meditation, said to the Sultan of Yogyakarta at the time use this monument as a benchmark direction facing the peak of Mount Merapi.

Visiting Yogyakarta tourism object is not complete without coming to Fort Vredeburg Museum. Before known as the Fort Vredeburg as now, the fort was named Fort Rustenburg. It is located in front of Gedung Agung and Kraton Yogyakarta. Fort Vredeburg Museum (Official Indonesian name, Museum Benteng Vredeburg Yogyakarta), was a former colonial fortress located in the city of Yogyakarta. The military complex has been converted into an Independence Struggle Museum which was opened in 1992. Fort Vredeburg Museum has a complete collection includes collection of buildings, collection of realia, collection of photographs including replicas and miniatures and painting collections. In addition, there are four diorama rooms of the history of Indonesian struggle.

Most tourists come to Yogyakarta as an accommodation base to visit Borobudur and Prambanan. Borobudur, a UNESCO World Heritage Site is the world’s largest Buddhist temple, as well as one of the greatest Buddhist monuments in the world (UNESCO,2008). Prambanan, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is the largest Hindu temple site in Indonesia, and one of the biggest in Southeast Asia.
Welcome to the University of AMIKOM Yogyakarta (AMIKOM UNIVERSITY), Indonesia. AMIKOM UNIVERSITY (previously named as STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta) is one of the largest and most respected computer colleges in Indo- nesia and has more than 11.000 students. AMIKOM UNIVERSITY has been committed to excel- lence in scholarship, research and service.
AMIKOM UNIVERSITY is located in the center of Yogyakarta city and in the distance of four kilometers from “Adisucipto” international airport, which lies in the eastern part of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. AMIKOM UNIVERSITY students are not only from many different places in Indonesia but from abroad as well.
AMIKOM UNIVERSITY one of private IT college in Yogyakarta-Indonesia. This college was established since December 29, 1992. AMIKOM UNIVERSITY based in Yogyakarta under the auspices of the Foundation AMIKOM Yogyakarta. AMIKOM UNIVERSITY grown from a college diploma program “AMIKOM Yogyakarta” became the undergraduate and post graduated. In the first year, number of students who received about 32 persons at the Department of Information Management. A year later AMIKOM get listed status by the Minister of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia No. 084/D/O/1994 dated October 11, 1994. Currently all courses are already accredited.
Welcome to the AMIKOM UNIVERSITY Indonesia.AMIKOM UNIVERSITY (previously named as STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta) is one of the largest and most respected computer colleges in Indo- nesia and has more than 11.000 students. AMIKOM UNIVERSITY has been committed to excel- lence in scholarship, research and service. The Vision of AMIKOM UNIVERSITY is to be a world-class higher education institution in the fields of Creative Economy with the insight of entrepreneurship that spreads virtues.
AMIKOM UNIVERSITY (STMIK Amikom Yogyakarta) has University or Colleges Pilot World Model Private Entrepreneur by UNESCO (Unesco, A New Dynamic: Private Higher Education, 2009) and also the Top 100 universities in Southeast Asia Webometrics (Webometrics, 2014). The University also has won 35 international awards and more than 100 national awards and produce 21 % of its graduates as entrepreneurs (Business Placement Center, 2016). College has been accredited isntitusi B and has received ISO 2009 certification.Profil_2019
Facullty of Computer Science
• Master of Informatics (Business Intelligent,Technopreneurship and Animation)
• Bachelor of Informatics (Networking and Software Engineering)
• Bachelor of Information Systems (E-Commerce and Multimedia)
• Bachelor of Information Technology (Animation and Game)
• Bachelor of Computer Engineering (Cyber Security)
• Diploma-3 Informatics (Networking and Software Engineering)
• Diploma-3 Information Management E-Commerce and Multimedia)
Faculty of Science and Technology
Faculty of Economics and Social
– Bachelor of Economics (Creative Economy)
– Bachelor of Accounting (Applied Accounting)
– Bachelor of Entrepreneurship (On-line Business)
– Bachelor of Communication Science (Visual Design, Marketing, Broadcasting & Cinema)
– Bachelor of International Relations (International Business)
– Bachelor of Government Science (E-Government and Sociopreneurship)