Designed to break through the industry, the program produces Awards in geographic information systems, such as Second Winner Indosat Wireless Internet and Communication and Nomi nees @ Asia Paciffic ICT Alliance (APICTA) Awards Melbourne Australia.
Career prospects
The employment prospects for graduates are build a business as a contractor / consultant urban planning / region, road construction, business Developer / Real Estate, Property Consultants (Independent Sector), a City Planning Consultant, a Credit Analyst in the banking Property, a business Property and Real Estate, Housing Developers and business (Private Sector), an expert sta at Bappenas, an expert sta at the Ministry of Finance, an expert staff at the Ministry of Public Works, an expert sta at the Department of Transportation, an expert sta at the Ministry of Interior, an expert sta at the Ministry of Environment, an expert sta at the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), an expert sta at the Ministry of Rural Development, the expert sta in the Local Government (Bappeda, Department of City Planning (Government Sec tor). Careers as a urban planner, statutory planner, town planner, social planner, environmental planner, subdivisions planner, civil urban plan- ner, urban designer, transport planner, environmental manager, strate- gic planner and entrepreneur.
Industry connections
Students are encouraged to take advantage of the many opportunities offered by Time Exellindo (Software Development, Business Develop- ment, ISP, Infrastucture Network Services). Students can also work with GITS (Photo Virtual Reality, E-Gov. Developer, Games developer). University of Amikom Yogyakarta is committed to providing you with an education that strongly links formal learning with professional or vocational practice.
AMIKOM International Office supports students to undertake an exchange or short term mobility activity with partners all over the world including, Walt Disney, Tencent, Paramount Pictures, California Pictures, KRU Studio, Blackberry, CJ Enetertainment, Florida Film, Yi Animation, Chane In, Fastastic Film, Mercury Film, Global Eagle Entertainment, In2 Group, etc.
International opportunities
AMIKOM International Office supports students to undertake an ex- change or short term mobility activity at worldwide partner universities such as Deakin University, University of Tasmania, Budapest Business School, Szechenyi Isvan University, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Asia University, Lunghwa University of Science and Tech- nology, Haute Ecole Albert Jacquard, Unitar International University, Universiti Teknologi Mara, Universiti Teknologi Malaka, The Institute of Technical Education (ITE) Singapore etc.