Entrepreneur Campus is to educate students to become ENTREPRENEURS with the concept of SMART in ENTREPRENEUR, that is to say, a positive mental attitude, creating and trying to realize a dream, taking a step to start a business, the secret of starting a business without any stood capital, accepting failure as a lesson, and God willing.

Education at Entrepreneur Campus is supported by business consultancy at our website www.msuyanto.com. In addition, M Suyanto has also written a number of books in Entrepreneurship, namely: The Success Secret of Taiwan’s SME in Creative Industries (2015),  Muhammad Business Strategy and Ethics (2008),  15 Secrets to Change Failure To Be Success (2006),  15 Secrets To Start Business without any Capital of Money (2005),  Being Smart in Entrepreneurship (2004),

University of AMIKOM Yogyakarta became the 1st Winner of KMI Award 2016 for Service category in Expo Entrepreneurship Student Indonesia (KMI) 2016 held in Universitas Brawijaya Malang. Amikom, represented by Andreas (Warhole Konveksi), Izul (Titik Terang T-Shirt) and Suryo (Genius Operation), and accompanied by the Chairman of the Amikom Foundation, Dr. Muhammad Idris Purwanto, MM., Became the only Private University to be the winner in the annual event held by the Directorate of Kemenristekdikti Learning and Student Affairs On November 16 to 19, 2016.

In KMI Expo event, university students all over Indonesia gathered to showcase entrepreneurial products, promotions, building business networks, exchanging creative business ideas, sharing with successful entrepreneurs, and venues to develop entrepreneurial spirit. The event entitled “Strengthening Entrepreneurial Entrepreneurship as a Supporter of National Competitiveness in the Era of the ASEAN Economic Community (MEA)” was attended by dozens of entrepreneurial teenagers from various universities in Indonesia.

The KMI VII 2016 Expo series consist of National Seminar and Entrepreneurship Talkshow, Workshop Forum of Higher Education Leader in Student Affairs and Entrepreneurship Management of Higher Education, Exhibition and Bazaar of entrepreneurship product, and KMI Award for Entrepreneur Student and Best Stand. In KMI Award 2016, representatives from each university will present their business idea. There are 3 categories in this arena, namely: technology, industry or service, and catering


Entrepreneur Days