The use of information technology become a necessity that is not negotiable because of the availability of information systems and integrated infrastructures increasingly important to establish an organization or corporate that is efficient and competitive. Time Excelindo was founded in 2003 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. It is a private corporate which is a professional business entity born from University of AMIKOM Yogyakarta. Time Excelindo is a corporate that provides and serves total solutions which our primary focus are on internet service provider (ISP), software development, consulting and auditing, training, infrastructure solutions and network services. As time goes on, Time Excelindo understands the importance of customer satisfaction in accordance with quality assurance, that’s why Time Excelindo should to share the awards, such as in 2011 Time Excelindo got the ISO 9001:2008 Cert No FS569888 from The British Standards Institution (BSI). It is proudly that Time Excelindo won several competitions both nationally and internationally, such as APICTA, ICT for national awards, and international Award in Taiwan, Macau and Bangkok. Time Excelindo clients have achieved throughout Indonesia with a variety of sectors such as education, health, SMEs, mining, banking, and other government and private agencies. Welcome to your Time Excelindo, your right business partner to grow together.
Being a solution provider of information technology (IT) and communications selected for all business sectors in Indonesia, both for individual customers, business / corporate, educational institutions and government agencies.
Providing the best for the customer, both in terms of products, services, technology, and commercial value efficiently. We committed to provide the best service to our customers, by offering quality products, reliable infrastructure, efficient technology, and knowledge sharing. We strive to maintain integrity in every decision making process. We value ourselves, because only with our own self-esteem, then we will be able to truly appreciate our customers, partners, suppliers and competitors. Concern about the quality of human resources (HR), products, services and our infrastructure, are the guarantees that we will always be one step ahead of our competitors.Listen
Legality of the Company:
- Operating License for Internet Access Services (Internet Service Provider) Number: 298/Dirjen/2005
- License of Operation principle Internet Access Services (ISP) Number: 1682/PT.003/Tel/DJPT-2004
- Eligible Certificate of Operation (Ulo) Number: 2087/PT.003/DITTEL/SRT/2004
- Membership APJII Number: 166/APJII/K-2006
- Deed of Establishment Number. 07 dated July 10, 2003, Notary Muhammad Kamaludin Purnomo, SH which is located at Kaliurang Street Km 8 No. 58 Ngaglik, Sleman, 55581, Phone. (0274) 888428, Fax. (0274) 889592
- Deed of Amendment of Articles of Association No. 01 dated December 4, 2009, Notary Muhammad Kamaludin Purnomo, SH which is located at Kaliurang Street Km 8 No. 58 Ngaglik, Sleman, 55581, Phone. (0274) 888428, Fax. (0274) 889592
- Trading License (SIUP) Large, Number: 503/1274/245/PB/XII/2009
- Limited Liability Company Registration Number: 120216400603, Registration Agenda Number: 193/BH.RUB.12.02/I/2010
- Endorsement of Deed of Establishment of Limited Liability Company, the Minister of Justice and Human Rights RI No. C-19 477 HT.01.01.TH.2003
- Decree of the Minister of Justice and Human Rights Republic of Indonesia Number: AHU-20986.AH.01.02. Year 2009 on Approval of Amendment to Articles of Incorporation.
- TIN PT. Time Excelindo: 02.205.740.0-542.000
2. Data Communication
2.1. Network Integrated
With this type service, customer / institution / company able to build a Local Area Network (LAN) and Wide Area Network (WAN) and be able to perform effective and efficient communication. In Network Integrated is very possible to run integrated applications that require large bandwidth integrated as Data Transfer, Voice, VoIP / PABX Integrated, VPN, CCTV Online, Digital Information / Advertising Integrated and videoconferences simultaneously at the same time and in different places.
While other benefits are obtained in addition able to integrate (concatenate) various locations / institutions into a “local link / network”, Network Integrated is also able to make the communication costs interlocations / institutions of different places to zero (zero cost). Now the transmission device as a media for integrating the various services can be a Fiber Optic, Wireless Microwave and Radio device. As a reference, for Microwave Network Integrated services currently is implemented in order to support the program INHERENT (Indonesian Higher Education Network) K-2/K-3 YEAR 2006 from the Directorate General of Higher Education (DIKTI) in the Province of DIY. The college which is currently incorporated in this service are:
- Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta, as the center INHERENT in the Province of DIY.
- Institute of Science & Technology AKPRIND Yogyakarta.
- Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) Yogyakarta.
- University of AMIKOM Yogyakarta.
- STPP Yogyakarta.
- Academy of Maritim Ganesha (AMG) Yogyakarta.
- STIKES MUHAMMADIYAH Gombong – Kebumen.
- University of Pembangunan Nasional (UPN) “Veteran” Yogyakarta.
2.2. Installation of Fiber Optic
Fiber Optic is a telecommunications network infrastructure and the most reliable data with the most stable performance and has a useful life in a very long period of time. Fiber Optic is also a Media Transmission with a strong quality of physical structure and large capacity (transmission band) up to gigabit even reach terrabit unit.
Fiber Optic also have a very robust packaging characteristics (Outdoor Type) and relatively profitable when used for outdoor transmission media (Outdoor) because it is not susceptible to interference and lightning strikes.
TIME EXCELINDO in this case already has a lot of experience in the installation of fiber optic cables in various government institutions, educational institutions and private companies that almost all of their utilization are used to create applications Integrated Network.
3.1. Government Agencies and Private
- Directorate General of Civil Aviation, Ministry of Communications of Republic Indonesia: Equipment Procurement Coordination System Data and Information Crisis Center (SISKOCC) to Soekarno-Hatta Airport (April 2010 up to now) is called Airport Safety Management System. The integrated information system solutions are used to provide security and convenient for airports for carrying out their operations that includes a variety of modules developed such as CCTV integration module, call center, GIS, knowledge base, mobile apps, system alerts, and airport emergency procedure.
Airport Pass Management System.
This integrated information system solutions are used to optimize the management of the entire business process at airports which includes registration module, data entry, approval, payment, publishing, CBT Avsec awareness, queuing, monitoring, mobile application, executive summary, and data services (SOA).
- Directorate General of Civil Aviation, Ministry of Communications of Republic Indonesia: JOB PROCUREMENT OF LABORATORY EQUIPMENT COMMITTEE ON NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION SAFETY OF FISCAL YEAR 2010 FORM OF WEB APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT AND SYSTEM NTSC The fiscal year 2010 (on the progress of April-May 2010).
- Directorate General of Civil Aviation, Ministry of Transportation of the Republic Indonesia: Procurement, Construction and Installation of
CCTV Fiber Optics Surveillance System 38 Points in the Area Cargo / Warehousing Soekarno-Hatta Airport, Office Administrator International Airport Jakarta Soekarno-Hatta Fiscal Year 2009 (November 2009). -
File Payment for Banking
- Bank has its own core banking system that is less able to facilitate the needs of the client. That’s why we developed File Payment, which is able to address those needs, such as cash management system, national pooling, fee generator, unified bill payment and tax payment module.
- Development of WAN (Wide Area Network) in Government of Sragen Regency covers 15 districts that integrate by using wireless devices free licenses ISM 2.4 GHz as supporting the implementation of SIMPTAP – One-Stop Government Information Systems (January 2006 – April 2006).
- Development of WAN (Wide Area Network) in Government of KEBUMEN regency covers 20 districts that integrate by using wireless devices free licenses ISM 2.4 GHz as supporting the implementation of SIMPTAP – Government One-Stop Information System (November 2007 – January 2008).
- Development of high-speed data networks between buildings includes 13 buildings with fiber optic cable media mutlimode 72 cores for the needs of multimedia applications in PPPG Yogyakarta Arts. (December 2005 – February 2006).
- Development of data backbone in Yogyakarta and Central Java covers the following areas, Sleman, Yogyakarta Municipality, Bantul, Klaten, Solo, Purworejo, Boyolali, Sragen, Salatiga, Magelang, Semarang. The technology used is the band microwave frequency 15 GHz, 7 GHz with a capacity over 8 E1. Backbone is used a variety of applications and used by several local government for implementation SIMPEKAB and the Internet.
Smartcard & RFID Solution. The RFID Smartcard is customable, one of the newest products we were developing at the moment. This is a tracking system where the frequency-based technology will replace barcode technology.
Development of School Information Systems (SINFOSIS) with features Web, SMS, Mobile Java Application, schools Application fat client in cooperation with PT. Indosat Regional Central Java, East Java and SUMBAGUT
3.2. University and College
- Development of Integrated Information Systems of University of AMIKOM Yogyakarta, has been used for 7 years.Development of Integrated Information Systems of University of AMIKOM Yogyakarta, has been used until now (
- Development of School Information Systems (SINFOSIS) with features of the Web, SMS, Mobile Java Application, Application fat client schools in cooperation with PT.Indosat Regional Central Java, east Java dan SUMBAGUT (
- Development Library Information Systems in University of AMIKOM. (Http://
- Development of Web Site News and Information (
- Inventory System Development of University of AMIKOM YOGYAKARTA
- Video Conference (open dialogue) between University of AMIKOM, Students of East Kalimantan in Yogyakarta with the Government of East Kalimantan, on March 9, 2006 to discuss ideas and suggestions on the development of information technology in the region of East Kalimantan (February 2006).
- Development of LAN in the Science Faculty UGM for interconnection between the building with OS Novell Netware as a Multiple accses network and fulfillment network lab and application in the lab. Computers (2002).
4. Training of PT. Time Excelling
Besides as a provider of internet services, PT. Time Excelindo also competent to hold training for instance or companies. Training can be held by PT. Time Excelindo covering various aspects of Information Technology needs in terms of supporting the implementation of e-Government. The training includes:
Socialization and education e-government in accordance with Presidential Instruction No. 3 Year 2003 regarding National Policies and Strategies of Development of E-Government
Utilization of Information Technology in the development of e-Government of Local Government
Training the use of computers and information technology for local government officials began :
Introduction to Computer Systems
Application usage / computer software to support their daily activities, whether for administrative, coordination and communication.
Introduction Computing Network system in the implementation of eGovernment that will link the connection between the Department / Agency and Government Institutions for the operational implementation.
Utilization of Internet technologies to support the activities of government
Making the front office applications for Web Design of eGovernment and Web Programming of eGovernment.
Training Web Design of eGovernment in the form of Introduction to HTML, Design with Adobe Photoshop, Authoring with Macromedia Flash, Macromedia Dreamweaver, Swish, Swift 3D, FTP until manufacture their own website.
While training of eGovernment Web Programming in the form of PHP Basics training, data types, variables and operations, control structures, functions, Arrays, File Access, and Web Implementation of eGovernment.
Introduction of various types of government applications, such as SIMTAP (One-Stop Management Information System) and GIS -based application (Geographical Information Systems ) and the Web.
Training applications or other information technology are more specialized and specific, in accordance with requests from local governments.
For basic training that every employee must be owned by their respective local government agencies of information technology training in supporting of the use and manufacture of front office and back office of local governments among as follows:
5. Award
INTERNATIONAL AWARD – The Best e-Practice ADOC Award Taiwan 2005
for software: Software for Digital Signature Using Elliptic Curve Cryptography.
National Award – Merit Award from APICTA Indonesia 2006, Education And Training category for software: higher education management information system integrated (Integrated University Management Systems). In the same year represented Indonesia in APICTA international MACAU as nominees in the same category.
Indonesia ICT Award nominees in 2007 for the software :
Canvasser Reporting
Student Information System (SINFOSIS)
Mobile Exam
Nominees in the Indonesian ICT Award 2008 for the Software :
Aircraft Tracking tools
3D Aircraft Visualization.
Unified Modelling Studio
Ring Road Utara, Condong Catur, Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta 55283
Phone : 0274 – 4477821, 4477822, Fax. : 0274 – 4477823, Email :
- AMIKOM CENTE : Bumi Serpong Damai Sektor VII, Blok RO No. 75 Tangerang Phone : 021 – 53152366
Website: www.