Airport Pass Management System
This integrated information system solutions are used to optimize the management of the entire business process at airports which includes registration module, data entry, approval, payment, publishing, CBT Avsec awareness, queuing, monitoring, mobile application, executive summary, and data services (SOA).
Related to security at the airport area, then Airport Pass Management System built and managed by computerized equipment – equipment which can help facilitate the storage of data, submission process, and process monitoring / tracking.
Besides being used by the Airports Authority of Region I – Soekarno Hatta, Airport Pass Management System also has helped the process of fitting the management of airports in the Office Administrator Ngurah Rai Airport.
Slot Time Management System
The integrated information system solutions are used to control the scheduled movement times of airlines so that runway movements occur in any hour. The movement limit is an essential element of noise sharing and achieving balance between the efficient use of the airport and broader environmental impacts.
Slot Time Management Information System was developed to simplify and speed up data management and information services to the aviation activities, especially related Notice of Airport Capacity (NAC) both in terms of runway, apron and terminal at the international airport Ngurah Rai.
Module Notice of Airport Capacity (NAC)
The module is used to display all the data slots based license service flights. This module is also used to display the actual conditions of use of the existing slot. This module also displays the results of static analysis (a resume) on the use of the runway and the use of parking stand.
Runaway Module Capacity
Modules are used to display the status of the runway usage compared to the available capacity. Capacity can be adapted to the conditions and also when it issued a special notice (NOTAM). By calculation and data processing then use this module can be evaluated slot requests submitted by the status of the use of the runway.
Apron Module Capacity
Modules are used to display the status of the use of APRON compared to available capacity. Related determining the capacity required dynamic calculation involving the number of parking stands, apron area and its ability to accommodate aircraft with certain types: wide body, medium body, narrow body. By calculation and data processing then use this module can be evaluated slot requests submitted by the Use APRON
Terminal Module Capacity
Modules are used to display the status of the terminal as compared to the use of available capacity. Related determining the capacity required dynamic calculation involving the number of check-in counters (for both domestic and international flights) and number (capacity) available gate. By calculation and data processing then use this module can be evaluated slot requests submitted by the Use Terminal
Modules On Time Performance (OTP)
This module displays the results of an analysis of the level of On Time Performance (OTP) for each airline. On Time Performance is evaluated based on the timeliness of data / fly for each timetable slot that has been allocated to each airline. OTP analysis is done both for domestic and international flights.
Slot Module Performance
This module displays the results of an analysis of the level of Slot Performance for each airline. Slot Performance is evaluated based on the use of slots have been scheduled based on these permits for each airline. Slot Performance analysis is done both for domestic and international flights.
Flight Approval System
The government has made the electronic service system that integrated especially in serving the flow of goods for exports and imports from and to airport. This system called National Single Window Airportnet performed at the Airport.
Basically the application running on the server, so the specifications need to adjust the existing server. At least require some components that applications run properly, among others: Local Server Apache, MySQL database, Source Code / Framework Applications, Both Mozilla and Chrome browsers
National Single Windows System
The government has made the electronic service system that integrated especially in serving the flow of goods for exports and imports from and to airport. This system called National Single Window Airportnet performed at the Airport.
Single Inspection System.
This integrated information system solutions are used to optimize the reporting business process at airports which includes monitoring and investigation of airport, in/out pesenggers, airport equipments, arrive/departure plane, etc.
Executive Summary System
This integrated information system solutions are used to optimize Airport Safety Management System, Airport Pass Management System, Single Inspection System, Slot Time Management System etc. for decision making.
Airport Business Intelligence
Airport Business Intelligence is an integrated solution for managing data quality as well as providing intuitive business intelligence tools to queery Airport Pass Management System. The self-service information provide airport management with unique data exploration tools and the ability to analyze unstructured data.
Airport Safety Management System
The integrated information system solutions are used to provide security and convenient for airports for carrying out their operations that includes a variety of modules developed such as CCTV integration module, radar, call center, GIS, knowledge base, mobile apps, system alerts, visual 3D and airport emergency procedure. Airport Safety is controlled and connected through a Room Control System. These devices in the system integrate with each other to form a network in the event of a critical condition, the system will instruct the parties should take precautions, evacuation, and countermeasures against such a critical condition.
Features that become supporters of Airport Safety are: Map 2D GIS, Mapping the entire space Soekarno Hatta International Airport, which is integrated with SOP critical condition Drag Able Position incident. Point-based radar and the party scene and alert nearby. Map 3D GIS, Mapping the entire service rooms special room in 3D with the directions safely in the event of the Critical Condition. Moreover Map 3D developed by the similarity in the shape of 2D Map and how that happened.
Weather Info, Provide an overview Weather updated according to BMKG Jakarta and surrounding areas. CCTV cameras that can be accessed streaming, as one form of anticipation of events and criminal acts Alert System will function in accordance with the critical conditions that occur in related parties and nearby. Radar Flight, anticipate threats both from a critical condition landing failure and other threats. Mobile Application as a form of mapping and mapping the location of the nearest Security settings to accelerate action anticipation. Call Centre is the info phone number of the nearest critical condition in accordance with the terjadai critical condition. Namely in the form of advice call center closest kind of critical events that occur.