Yusmedi Nurfaizal
Staff STMIK Amikom Purwokerto
Employee affairs constitute the important point to be considered for their crucial roles in determining the success of an organization to achieve its goals. One of the essential factors of the employee affairs is the effectiveness of job implementation. Therefore, the study was entitled :”The Analyses of Effects of Work Facilities, Employees’ Capability, and Work Motivation on the Effectiveness of Job Implementation in the Cipta Karya Civil Works Office in Banyumas Regency”. The effectiveness of job implementation indicates the operational target carried out by employees to achieve the determined goals. Factors determining the effectiveness of an organization, among others, are work facilities, employees’ capability, and work motivation. The aims of the study was to uncover the effects of work facilities, employees’ capability, and work motivation on the job implementation. The number of population was the 68 employees of the Cipta Karya Civil Works Office in Banyumas Regency. Research methodology applied was survey, and stratified proportional random sampling was the technique to obtain a sample size of 35 respondents. The data, which came from the primary and secondary sources, collected by means of interview, questionnaires, observation, and documentation, and then were analyzed quantitatively. The results showed that:1) The variable of work facilities significantly affected the effectiveness of job implementation of 0.3587 in the level of confidence of 95. 2) The variable of employees’ capability significantly affected the effectiveness of job implementation of 0.4474 in the level of confidence of 95. 3)The variable of job motivation significantly affected the effectiveness of job unpiementation of 0.3050 in the level of confidence of 95. 4) Simultaneously, the variables of work facility, employees’ capability, and work motivation significantly affected the effectiveness of job implementation of 0.6303 in the level of confidence of 95; and the contribution of unexplored variables was of 0.3697. Meant, the working hypothesis (Hi) was accepted. 5) Compared with the variables of work facilities and work motivation, the variable of employees’ capability was found to be the most affecting variable on the effectiveness of job implementation of 0,4474. It means that me working hypothesis (Hi) was accepted.
1.Background of Problem
Office of Public Works is a tool of governance in public sector employment has been submitted that the affairs of the household, based on local government regulations No. 18 year 1953. Affairs of the years since the 1953 up to now have not experienced any addition or subtraction, but the dimension be measured will become increasingly broad and complex. So the need is felt to develop and expand the organization, which now form the Office of Public Works into three offices in the field of public works, namely the Office of Bina Marga, the Office of Water Resources, Works and the Office of negotiation. In Regional District Regional Level II Banyumas, the field of physical development, devoted to the building owned by a government task from the Office Cipta Karya Banyumas
To achieve the goal that has defined the organization will not be separated from the presence of those who are in it, in this case are employees. For the success of an organization in this achievement of the objectives of the organization is determined by factors in addition to structure, technology, and it contributes the most direct and determine the success of an organization come from the behavior of the workers themselves. Thus, the success of an organization depends on the results of work each employee.
Effectiveness can be centered on the facilities work, ability and motivation to employees working a oraganisasi employees, as an organization to assess effective or not effective overall goal is determined by whether the organization can be achieved with good or not. From matters of the above Create Work Office of Banyumas utilizing the entire staff tried to reach officials for the Highly mandukung effectiveness of the tasks that high.
Effectiveness is influenced by many factors, such as facilities work, decision-making, coordination, ability of employees, and work motivation. Peryataan support the Child (Gibson, 1990) that the achievement of the goals the organization is the result of a large number of variables including technology, environmental constraints, opportunities, proficiency and individual motivation.
2. Problem Statement
To clarify the scope of the problems that will be discussed, considering how the complexity of factors related to a social phenomenon, so the concentration needed for discussion of the variables involved in this research, while the problems in this research are:
1. Are the facilities work, ability and motivation to work employees have a significant influence on the effectiveness of the task?
2. Which variables most affect the effectiveness of the task?
3. Framework Theory
Facilities working to create a condition of employment that menyenagkan so this makes the officers will endure and become comfortable in performing the task. Facilities will work or not, affect the successful organization in achieving the goal. Facilities working conditions that are always faced by employees in implementing the tasks and work. Working with the facilities that will be sufficient to improve employee morale and kesangupan work. Tools work better, work space is comfortable, protection against the peril, and others can not only increase the fervor of work but will also meningkatkn effectiveness of the implementation tasks.
Standardization work for a facility institutions include: office space, office equipment supplies, motor vehicles and telecommunications that will encourage both the effectiveness of the implementation of tasks (Syamsi, 1984). Officers happy to live in the workplace and the work that will eventually be increased to improve the effectiveness of the implementation tasks, while the office space is not adequate, less than the full office equipment, lack of vehicles office and good communication will reduce the employee does not work and live happy in the workplace so that employees will not work effectively in the implementation of the tasks.
Officers of the organization is a resource that is important for organizations concerned. Officers as a subject in the work of implementation must be developed and developed continuously in order to improve the dynamics and organizational performance. To achieve the effectiveness of working in an organization in order to undertake the task of governance and development is determined by the employees. Goals will be successful when considering the quality and the ability of employees, because the point of view with the ability employees can overcome the possibility that occur in the environment. As presented by the Steers (1985) that a direct contribution to the success of the organization come from the workers themselves, because employees, the structure and organization that use technology and workers who also hold a response to pressure variations and which come from the environment.
Employee work motivation is the encouragement of the officers themselves who can propel them to be aware and work seriously. Motivation is on the employee is a motor for the employee in performing their jobs. In conjunction with the effectiveness of the implementation of the tasks given to employees, motivated role as a willingness and desire to work according to rules or restrictions that are set (Zainun, 1984).
4. Hypothetical
1. There is a significant work between facilities, the ability and motivation to employees working on the effectiveness of the implementation tasks.
2. The ability of employees is a variable that most affect the effectiveness of the implementation tasks.
5. Research Methode.
Location of the research is Office Create Work Banyumas. Population is a research officer in the Office Karya Cipta Banyumas. Research methods used in the research is the survey method, the research method that uses a questionnaire as a basic tool in collecting information and data from respondents (Singarimbun and Effendi, 1987). The population used in this research are civil servants Office Karya Cipta Banyumas. While the sample in this research is proportional stratified random sampling, so samples taken in this research as much as 35. To obtain the data needed, the research in this way of collecting data of interviews, questionnaires, observation and documentation. To test the factors that affect the effectiveness of the implementation of the tasks used regression analysis tools necessary (Sugiyono, 1997)
6.1. Facilities of Work
Table. 1 Facilities, according to the working conditions of employees perception
Variabel |
Score 1 |
Score 2 |
Score 3 |
Score 4 |
Facilities of Work |
12 (4,90%) |
61 (24,90%) |
97 (39,59%) |
75 (30,61%) |
From table 1, there are 30.61% said the score 4, there are 39.59% said the score 3, there are 24.90% said the score 2 and 4.90% said the score 1. Means that the employee holds most of the work have adequate facilities. After the count obtained in 0,083 and t = t compared with the table of 2,036, the number of shows that the average employee holds have adequate working facilities.
6.2. The ability of employees
Table 2. The ability of employees according to the conditions of employee perception.
Variabel |
Score 1 |
Score 2 |
Score 3 |
Score 4 |
The ability of employees |
14 (5,71%) |
25 (10,20%) |
117 (47,75%) |
89 (36,32%) |
From table 2. There are 36.32% said the score 4, there are 47.75% said the score 3, there are 10.20% said the score 2 and 5.71% said the score 1 means the employee holds most of the employees have adequate capabilities. After the count obtained in 0.674 and t = t compared with the table of 2.036, the number of shows that the average employee holds the ability officers have been sufficient.
6.3. Work motivation
Table 3. The working conditions of motivation, according to the employee perception
Variable |
Score 1 |
Score 2 |
Score 3 |
Score 4 |
Work motivation |
32 (13,06%) |
71 (28,98%) |
95 (38,78%) |
47 (19,18%) |
From table 3, there are 19.18% said the score 4, there are 38.78% said the score 3, there are 28.98% said the score 2 and 13.06% said the score 1. Means that the employee holds most of the work motivation is adequate. After the obtained calculated t = -0.694 then compared with t table of 2.036, the number of shows that the average employee holds sufficient motivation to work.
6.4. The effectiveness of the implementation of the tasks
Table 4 The condition of the effectiveness of the implementation of the tasks
according to the perceptions of employees
Variable |
Score 1 |
Score 2 |
Score 3 |
Score 4 |
The effectiveness of the implementation of the tasks |
2 (0,82%) |
17 (6,94%) |
123 (50,20%) |
103 (42,04%) |
From Table 4, there are 42.02% said the score 4, there are 50.20% said the score 3, said there are 6.94% on the score 2 and 0.82% said the score 1. Means that the employee holds most of the effectiveness of the implementation of the tasks have been adequate. After the count obtained in 1086 and t = t compared with the table of 2036, the number of shows that the average employee holds the effectiveness of the implementation of the tasks have been adequate.
6.5.Testing of the hypothesis
From the results of the calculation of the Double regression analysis showed the following equation:
Y = bo + b1X1 + b2X2 + b3X3 + e
= -0.7958 + 0.3587 X1 + 0.4474 X2 + 0.3050 X3
These contain the definition of equality:
b1 = 0.3587 means that any changes in the variables working facilities (X1) as a unit, then the result will change the value of the variable effectiveness of the implementation of tasks (Y) of 0.3587 unit. B2 = 0.4474 means that any changes in the ability of employees variables (X2) as a unit, then the result will change the value of the variable effectiveness of the implementation of tasks (Y) of 0.4474 unit. b3 = 0.3050 means that any changes in the variables of work motivation (X3) as a unit, then the result will change the value of the variable effectiveness of the implementation of tasks (Y) of 0.3050 unit.
From the results of regression analysis is necessary to note that the variable is the ability of employees variables that most affect the effectiveness of implementation of 0.4474 compared to the task variables facilities and work motivation work, so that the hypothetical work (Hi), which states the variable is the ability of employees variables that most affect the effectiveness of the implementation of the tasks can be accepted. While for the accuracy of the prediksinya be compared between the standard deviation (my) with the standard estimation (SEest). Results showed my calculation of 2.9889 and at 1.8174 so SEest proven that my> SEest. So predictions that described by regression analysis accounts with the regression equation can be accepted by proving 2.9889> 1.8174.
To know the magnitude of percentage contribution from the three variables free variable depending on the testing done determination coefficients. The results obtained from the calculation of the value of the coefficients of 0.6303 or determination can be said percentage of 63.03%. This means that the percentage amount of variables facilities donated work, ability and motivation to employees working on the variable effectiveness of the task sebasar 63.03%. While the contribution that other variables not examined at 1 – 0.6303 = 0.3697, or 36.97% of.
To test the hypothetical stated that there is a significant influence among the working facilities, staff and the ability to work effectiveness motivation implementation tasks simultaneously used test F. From the results obtained in the calculation of M countdown 20,320 while the F table of 3.30 M count greater than the F table means hypothetical zero hypothetical and = 0.05. Thus,adenied working with the accepted level of 95% or trust the hypothetical claim that there is a significant work of the facilities, skills, motivation and employees working together on the effectiveness of the implementation of the tasks can be accepted. The results of the analysis of t test, it can be seen in Table 5 as the following:
Table 5 Results calculation t count.
Variables |
Value of count t |
Value of table t |
Facilities of Work |
2,8396 3,1353 2,5083 |
2,036 2,036 2,036 |
From the results of computer calculations on the table magnitude 5 can be calculated for the variable T1 facility is working with the standard = 0.05 t obtained value of the table in 2.036. Because T1atest 2.8396 countdown to the variable working facilities greater than t table, the variables working in partially facilities have a significant influence on the effectiveness of the implementation tasks. The amount of T2 countdown to the variable is the ability of employees of 3.1353 with = 0.05 t obtained value of the table in 2.036.athe standard test Because T2 countdown to the variable officials greater ability t from the table, means the ability of the variable employee has a partially significant influence on the effectiveness of the implementation tasks. While the amount of T3 countdown to the variable motivation is working = 0.05 t obtained value of the table inawith the standard test 2.5083 2036. Because T3 countdown to the variable work motivation is greater than t table, the variables working in a partial motivation has a significant influence on the effectiveness of the implementation tasks.
The influence of the variables working facilities of the effectiveness of the task is statistically significant. Based on regression analysis of the double in the know that the variables affect the working facilities variable effectiveness of the implementation of the tasks of 0.3587, which means that each variable changes the working facilities of the one-unit, the variable effectiveness of the implementation of the tasks will be changed at 0.3587 unit. Results F count of 20,320 more than the F table of the results of 3.30 and T1 count of 2.8396 greater than t table of 2036. While working for the state of facilities at the Office of Cipta Karya Banyumas have been adequate. This was indicated from the value of 0,083 t and 2,036 t of the table.
The influence of the variable employee the ability of the effectiveness of the task is statistically significant. Based on regression analysis of the double in the know that the variables affect the ability of employees variable effectiveness of the implementation of the tasks of 0.4474, which means that each variable changes the ability of the one-employee unit, the variable effectiveness of the implementation of the tasks will be changed at 0.4474 unit. Results F count of 20,320 more than the F table of the results of 3.30 and T2 count of 3.1353 greater than t table of 2036. While the ability to state officials in Dinas Cipta Karya Banyumas have been adequate. This was indicated from the value of 0,674 t and 2,036 t of the table.
The influence of the variable work motivation of the effectiveness of the task is statistically significant. Based on regression analysis of the double in the know that the variables affect the motivation to work variable effectiveness of implementation of 0.3050 assignment, which means that any changes to the motivation of a work-unit, the variable effectiveness of the implementation of the tasks will be changed at 0.3050 unit. Results F count of 20,320 more than the F table of the results of 3.30 and 2.5083 of T3 count greater than 2,036 t of the table. While the motivation to work at the state Office of Cipta Karya Banyumas have been adequate. This was indicated from the value of -0694 and t t table of 2036.
Based on regression analysis that accounts can be variable, which is the most influential variable than the ability of employees working variable facilities and work motivation, at 0.4474. Based on the known variable coefficients determinasi effectiveness of the implementation of the tasks changed because of 0.6303 unit working facilities donated variables, the ability and motivation to employees working, while changes in the variable effectiveness of the implementation of the tasks caused by variables outside the variable working facilities, staff and the ability to work is motivation 0 , 3697 unit. Thus hypothetical work (Hi), which states that the first variable working facilities, the ability and motivation to work employees have a significant influence on the variable effectiveness of the task can be accepted, while hypothetical work (Hi) both stated that the employee is the ability of variables that most affect the effectiveness the implementation of the tasks can also be accepted.
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