By M. Suyanto

Transaction community members constitutes a community providing facilities for buying and selling. The members of the community are buyers, sellers, intermediaries, and so on. The companies that perform segmentation according to this transaction community are Yahoo Shopping, Amazon, MSN Home Advisor, and Wizard.

The members of the community of Yahoo Shopping can shop with four ways, namely: “Shopping”, “Used”, “Auctions” and “Classified”. In Yahoo Shopping, there are a few companies that put banners, and the companies are Dell, Spiegel, Bobbi Brown, Sony, Barnes & Noble, Wal-Mart, LLBean, FTD, Gap, Eddie Bauer, Compaq, CDNOW, Bluelight, Gateway, and Intel. is the best online store in 2002 according to the version of Yahoo magazine. Amazon provides not only books, magazines, and gifts, but also a variety of products, namely: products of beauty, health, raveling, VCDs, DVDs, music instruments, electronic goods, toys including dolls, housewares, and so on and so forth. Amazon community members are getting reductions in the shopping and free shipping.

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