University of AMIKOM Yogyakarta is a highly regarded college role in the development of the concept of ICT (Information & Communication Technology) in Yogyakarta. To support it, University of AMIKOM Yogyakarta has a number of business units related to multimedia, namely production house, advertising, portal, television, and radio. In 2001, University of AMIKOM Yogyakarta purchased ownership and broadcasting license, PT. RADIO SWARA SEMBADA. The latest AMIKOM Enterprises (BUMA) at that time, engaged in private radio broadcasting with Trial No Evaluation Permit no. 436 / TU / PT.208 / DITBINFREK January 30, 2001 at the frequency of 87.6 MHz, and was promulgated by the issuance of Radio Station License (ISR) on November 19, 2001, from the Directorate of Radio Frequency Spectrum and Satellite Orbit – Directorate General of Post and Telecommunication – Ministry of Communications and Informatics. Initially, held a radio broadcast with the name in the air Radio SWA – Radio Business Jogja.
The rapid development of private broadcast radio in 2005, and the fall of a number of local radios changing ownership or working with radio networks originating from Jakarta, made the Management to improve. The existence of the company is faced with two choices, which is still managed alone or cooperate with radio network. After considering various things and possible risks that arise, University of AMIKOM sees the need to cooperate with other parties who have been established, but still put forward the principle of win-win solution. Some radio networks became a reference in making this cooperation decision, until finally decided to explore a more serious possibility with Management Qolbu Corporation, holding company that oversees PT. RADIO MADINATUSSALAM BANDUNG (MQFM Bandung).
Radio MQ 92.3 FM Jogja – which has Call Sign FM5FQW – is the official Call Station used from 1 February 2006 after becoming Franchisee from PT. RADIO MADINATUSSALAM BANDUNG (Franchisor) is granted an exclusive license to use the MQFM Radio brand, with a license grant period of 5 (five) years. Insha Allah, this franchise contract has been extended for a period of 3 (three) years ahead, starting in 2012.
RADIO MQFM JOGJA is a private broadcasting institute with an initial positioning as Muslim Family Radio – since 2012 the Inspiration of Indonesian Family – which broadcast contemporary Islamic programs, aiming to showcase the beautiful Islam, the Islam of rahmatan lil’alamin, and Islam Which builds Muslim professionals and entrepreneurial spirit.
Radio MQ 92.3 FM Jogja offers quality programs, which equally display the side of idealism with the contemporary side of current Islamic teachings by sticking to the teachings of the Qur’an and Hadith. Radio MQFM Jogja through its mission of wishing to be a medium that provides information and education that is understood by the community / ummah to initiate cultural change starting from self, environment, society, nation and state in the guidance of Islamic teachings, to Islamic values as rahmatan lil ‘ Alamin. Comprehensive and multidimensional presentation of information and education gradually, systematically, continuously and measurably, caused by the purpose of Radio MQFM to form the spirit of entrepreneurs and the professionalism of society / society or forming a cosmopolitan Islamic society that is knowledge-literate in the midst of the development of the era.
Becoming a Media of Change of Self, Family, And Society, Towards Noble Akhlaq.
Providing inspiration and motivation to make sense of life in giving the best;
Providing inspiration and motivation to plant Islamic values in life.
Corporate culture Islami and Syar’i become nuances STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta, both in running business and in relationships between employees, and employee relationships with students;
Being a place of student training, both in the field of communication and entrepreneurship;
Able to become a locomotive driving the process of changing the morality of society to a better direction in order to the formation of a professional Muslim person.
AGE: <15 1% | 15-19 20% | 20-35 70% | > 35 9%
NOT ADVISE SMA 12% | High School 39% | TAMAT PT 49%
SES: A 25% | B 15% | C 48% | D 12%
Through the different feel of the withdrawal in the middle of a oase dryness routines of life. Radio 92.3 FM MQ JOGJA present listener accompany activities that require ruhiah touch to fill the niche that miss the heart of peace, calmness and clarity, through the course and format of music radio broadcast MQ 92.3 FM JOGJA, in the form of enlightenment and the full benefits of the coolness, wisdom, and values of a noble character.
Through the positioning of radio Muslim families, communities and the existence of MQ Family (Tahajud Call comunity and MQ), the excellent program (MQ morning, Thursday MQ, MQ Sunday, morning message, Rumahku Surgaku, Senandung MQ, Double Talk Show OASE, Q On Air , The Family, Youth Curhat, Weekends Dikota Gudeg, etc.), and superior technology support and human resources quality, With God’s permission to make the Radio Jogja MQFM as one of the forefront of electronic media and media partners in the development of Syari’ah values.