Q-Faraid, Patrimony Software

Patrimony is a crusial thing in a family. So, Islam has Faraid to rule the things related to patrimony.

In Indonesia, which mostly consists of Islamic people, patrimony rules based on Faraid must be implemented in the life of Indonesian moslems, and Faraid has been taught to the students of certain Islamic schools

Unfortunately, it seems that Faraid, which is considered as a educational subject or knowledge, is hard to be understood easily. To overcome the difficulty, Arif Arizal, one of the students of STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta, wants to make a solution about the implementation of Faraid, and he has managed to make software for educational purpose about Faraid named Q-faraid.

When using Q-faraid, users can calculate easily according to the existing Faraid rules in Islam. By the process, users can also learn the rules because everyting is well explained by the software. The system provides explanation about Faraid and dalil taken from 5 mahdzabs. Q-faraid is also completed by precision calculation, text to speech, Faraid trees, and the other features.

Q-faraid is made by Java Platform in order that it can be run in all OS. Q- faraid is made in two different languages, that is to say, Indonesian and English. Arif Arizal, who has represented the College of Amikom Yogyakarta to make the application, has managed to achieve the nomination in INAICTA . /MaSuk-Chend

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